The new News

One has forgotten to me very recently to announce the happiness that fills my heart to them, is any more and nothing less than the birth my third son, as soon as he is going to turn the 4 months according to the control that we took, my wife this very worried because he does not know that we will do now with three children, but I do not see it from that point of view, not because reason gives as much joy me to have another son as if outside the first one, " good not like first because he gave a little miedo" me; but he gives very many joy me. I know that now the work will be triple but I know that will be worth the pain, very I am moved by this new event. Also another news that cheers my heart still more, and is that the government of my country will give a house us where to live, this because we did not have an own house where to live, we had to rent a house where to live, all these expenses I cover, since my wife does not work by the children, I I do not have many resources so that something extra of capital enters to me, with great difficulty I arrived at first degree from secondary, I have tried to follow my studies has gone to me well but later I have had to leave them because of the work but that everything because to me it becomes very difficult to work and to study at the same time, relatively I have very just a short time between the work , the study, and the family, because my time a 50% are divided in a 50% of the work the family and what it is for the study or if I dedicate to him to the study is reduced the time that would happen with my family would be reduced by the study. => Good anyway I do not know since I will face up to him is this new situation but I know that everything will come out well and that nothing are my children will not need thus to him must divide me in two by them. We hope soon that is to say that she will be the baby if she will be young or young, if they are asked, since I would like that outside good then… I have two men… so I would like a girl.! so that it gives my own grandsons me; but in aim which GOD wants to give but that me if that to be born healthy with good health like which it has given me.