Correction of information
Previously it had announced to them that would give a house us. .pero is that the person in charge of those projects of house, did not do anything and lamentably we followed without house, I do not have left another one but that to continue working and to fight by my children, this blog is but a personal newspaper that blog, seems to me but it is the unique form to relieve my problems or thoughts, I do not want that my wife worries about this type of subjects, nowadays (02-04-08) the company in which worked call VMA transport of values, in that toiled as to help of Vault it dismissed to me suddenly….because? it is the doubt that I also have and lamentably to pains tapeworm two months to work there, and. .no I can demand absolutely nothing. It is unjust. because I venia of the Hospital because that day to enfer I me to me very badly of migraña spent very badly the night previous, and after to leave the hospital to go to the company to give the incapacity that gave that day me did esperar4 hours to me outside the company to only say me that step was dismissed because had not passed the test of the 3 months of test of work yesterday (01-04-08) and today (02-04-08) I went to one old company in which it toiled to offer my services gave hope again me and soon they said " to me; that better no" , they made me lose time and money, but good whenever they happen to me bad things come all meetings simultaneously, and nor whichever things imagine but they have happened to me that until I remain scared, of because? they soon pass so many bad things to me of a other, until my smaller son (GABRIEL) today (02-04-08) a hair put tita in the nose and tube that to be transferred from emergencia to the hospital to remove " to him; hair tita" that the small one put in the nose. Good I have the faith and the hope of which tomorrow it will be a new day, and I only request to GOD peace to him to be able to manage to leave ahead….ups… already hurts the head to me again. Until soon… thanks if somebody this reading this blog…