November 17, 2010

It has spent long time, the pain a so great loss follows present. My ex- wife leaves with another person, that is painful, but, I learned that if mistresses something you must let go it. I believe that it is a lesson that teaches to me to be tolerant, not to be obsessive, to really love. I realize that took the mistaken way, that him towards damage not only but to other people whom I loved. The truth I do not know if I am able to make happy to other people after all this. I only have left to fight by my children, who are the unique thing that I have now.
I have undergone much since I separated, eh been on the verge of dying at the hands of a delinquent when it returned from the work, the delinquent shot to me and now alive with an injury in my left leg, almost not note when walking that it has some defect, but in fact, the bullet broke my left femur cause tames an irreversible damage. I have a PIN of 50 cm in length and four screws that hold to my femur superior with my femur inferior. Thanks to God I am alive, and itself ahead with my life, the pain that I take inside and outside, itself ahead by my children, they will be my reward.


It has spent the time and thanks to God itself here with life. The past Wednesday 11 of November of the 2009, arriving house happened a tragedy that nearly it leaves 3 meters me under earth and it is that a heartless one, damages, rate of sewer, almost clears the life with a firearm when shooting me to the body, thanks to God that although I lost much blood, the bullet gave totally in the left femur breaking it and making a damage irreparable, I spent 15 days in the committed hospital, 3 days with morphine for the pain, and a memory a experience that not desire to anybody in this world, would be asked that as began, good history is very long, but I say to them that tapeworm does not guard in the burial and the one that paid broken plates I went, to defend a sister mine. The truth is that I do not want to enter in detail of happened that day, I only know that nowadays, I will not be able to run to take the bus that goes away to me, nor will have the agility to realise the other activities that realised with normality, I only know that whenever of a step, or it raises a bus, or when it lays down to me and it rises to me of the bed, that pain that accompanies day to me and night that remembers happened that day to me, serve to me as experience for my and my children, on the importance of the life and the health and how been thankful for we must be with God by her, although at heart, I will live like disabled perhaps by the challenge of my days, thanks to a thief, a rat, a wretch. that to it almost ends my life without concerning nothing to him, because is not able to take care of hers much less the one of the others, and to close with finishing touch the laws of this country, " they do not serve for anything ". With this I conclude my sore note, giving thanks to God to only follow here, because my children go for great, and I, " because better only than badly acompañado." … je. .je.! NOTE: I that way added a pair of photos of the children to update the page.